Unmasked Voices

The All Ears Art Project


The All Ears Art Project is an artistic project created by London based artist Anupa Art, that gives clinicians a voice and a chance to be heard in exciting and innovative ways. Clinicians can anonymously post a story/event/feeling and see their inputs converted into expressive poetry, in the voice of poet/physician John Keats . You might find it cathartic to see your story in a new light!

The project forms part of a wider project called Unmasked Voices, created by Anupa Art in 2023 that focuses on using artistic methods to care and empower clinicians across health systems. This project is entirely independent of any system, government and has purely artistic intentions.


Share whatever you like about your life working as a clinician. This could be a recent story, how you are feeling, a recent event or anything else that is on your mind. Be as creative as you like and more importantly, enjoy expressing!

(Please do not use any names/confidential data in your input).


Please note that NO INFORMATION is collected about individuals and participants cannot be traced back. All that is recorded are the anonymised inputs.

If you have questions, please email info@unmaskedvoices.com. You can also view frequently asked questions here FAQ.

Lastly, thank you for your participation in The All Ears Art Project. You can pass on the link to fellow clinicians!

With warmest wishes and happy expressions!

All Ears Art Platform ©